MGH Child Resiliency



Below are our most frequently asked questions, please read to find out more information.

Resilient Youth groups are best suited for those looking to learn healthy coping mechanisms for stress. The Resilient Youth group is strictly educational and should not be used as a substitute for therapy. Those with more acute needs should consult a licensed medical professional.

If you are an MGB employee, contact Samreen at

For those not employed by MGB, use the link on the registration page to register your child for upcoming RY groups.

Yes. The Child Resiliency Program offers individual sessions for those who would prefer a one-on-one experience. Resilient Youth Director Rana Chudnofsky, MEd, will meet with your child for six (6), 45-minute sessions to help them understand Resilient Youth techniques and build an individualized self-care plan.  The cost is $750.

Contact Samreen at to register your child for individual sessions.

Ask Us if you have any questions?